Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bank of Montreal Museum and Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal in montreal canada

Bank of Montreal Museum : Located in the Bank of Montreal Building, where Canada's first bank was established in 1819, this museum chronicles the nature of banking in the 19th century. In a self-guided tour available year round during business hours, you can examine currency, machinery, artifacts and documents pertaining to the fascinating nature of banking in the 19th century. While there you will be treated to some magnificent architecture, especially in the lobby.
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal : Notre-Dame's twin towers have served as an Old Montreal landmark since the neo-Gothic basilica was finished in 1829. Today they continue to be the focal point, where tourists disgorge from buses and calèche drivers line up for passengers. The interior glows with gilded statuary and gold-leafed fleurs de lys, and is home to one of the largest pipe organs in the world. The Montreal Symphony Orchestra performs its Christmas production of Messiah here. For staying in montreal in Canada select discounted hotels in montreal.

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